Backend Developer

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Professional Experience

Assistant System Engineer, Tata Consultancy Services

Company: Tata Consultancy Services

Location: Bangalore

2023 – present

Served as a vital contributor to Retail Company, a prominent retail establishment headquartered in the Middle East. Played a pivotal role in enhancing operational efficiency and customer service through the implementation of cutting-edge automation solutions.


  • Developed a bilingual intelligent chatbot capable of conversing fluently in both English and Arabic, enhancing user engagement and accessibility.
  • Implemented and optimized multiple business logic modules within the chatbot, leading to a 30% reduction in customer support issues and a 15% increase in overall customer engagement.
  • Automated critical processes, including report generation and chatbot training, leading to a reduction in manual workload and increased operational efficiency.
  • Designed and implemented a live status display module for a help desk portal using the Django framework, providing real-time information to support teams and improving incident resolution times.

  • Technology: Python, HTML, CSS, Django, Microsoft Excel, Apache Server, Rest APIs, JavaScript, Java

    Associate Software Engineer, Virtusa

    Company: Virtusa

    Location: Chennai


    Worked for the European Investment Bank, the lending arm of the European Union—the most prominent multilateral financial institution in the world and one of the largest providers of climate finance.


  • Engineered modern applications by developing multiple REST APIs using Java, ensuring high performance and reliability.
  • Designed and implemented a robust database schema, establishing relations between tables, and defining constraints and sequences to optimize data storage and retrieval.
  • Orchestrated the development and seamless integration of six inbound interfaces, streamlining data transfer between the application and independent systems; reduced data processing time by 50% and eliminated manual data entry errors.
  • Collaborated closely with QA analysts to troubleshoot issues, ensuring software quality and a smooth user experience.
  • Developed a REST API to efficiently process data from the database to the REST service, enhancing data accessibility and system efficiency.
  • Utilized JSON for seamless data exchange between web requests and servers, optimizing data communication.
  • Employed Maven for efficient project build management and Log4j for generating detailed log files, enabling effective debugging and monitoring.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in code versioning tools, such as Git, to maintain and track code changes effectively.
  • Worked with both standalone databases and cloud-hosted databases, leveraging MySQL to manage and optimize data storage and retrieval.

  • Technology: Java, MySQL, Maven, Spring Boot